Key Takeaways | Understanding and Complying with the DOL's Recent Updates to the Davis-Beacon Act

Kilpatrick Townsend attorneys Gunjan Talati, Chris Caiaccio, and Drew Williamson, in collaboration with Federal Publication Seminars, presented the webinar titled “Understanding and Complying with the Department of Labor’s Recent Updates to the Davis-Bacon Act ” on October 3, 2023. The discussion provided insight into the Davis-Bacon Act (DBA) and Related Acts (DBRA); changes based on the Department of Labor’s (DOL) updating the DBA and DBRA’s regulations final rule (Final Rule); and compliance recommendations and expected legal challenges ahead of the effective date of the Final Rule.

To read the five key takeaways click here.

Knowledge assets are defined in the study as confidential information critical to the development, performance and marketing of a company’s core business, other than personal information that would trigger notice requirements under law. For example,
The new study shows dramatic increases in threats and awareness of threats to these “crown jewels,” as well as dramatic improvements in addressing those threats by the highest performing organizations. Awareness of the risk to knowledge assets increased as more respondents acknowledged that their