Consumer Goods Meeting Market Demand

As consumer spending plummets and buying habits change, the consumer goods sector must keep up with intensified global competition, as well as evolving market demands. To grow and stay profitable, companies must operate more efficiently, using cost-cutting technologies often associated with threats of theft and unfair advantage. At Kilpatrick, we help manufacturers, retailers, distributors, and suppliers of consumer goods define innovative legal strategies that strengthen their organizations and operations, while protecting their brand equity. Our multidisciplinary team understands the industry and its unique legal issues from the inside out, leveraging these insights when addressing all aspects of our clients’ business, from inception to closing. We represent clients throughout the world and across all industries, including household appliances and tools, consumer electronics, office services and supplies, tobacco companies, trading companies and distributors, textiles (non-apparel), metal and glass containers, recreational products, personal and household products, paper products, packaging materials, pet supplies, music production and distribution, and sporting goods.

Focus Areas

  • U.S. & International IP Protection for Inventions, Brands, Logos & Designs
  • IP Dispute Negotiation, Litigation & Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Anti-Counterfeiting & Gray Market Strategies & Enforcement Programs
  • Design & Utility Patent Clearance, Prosecution, Procurement & Enforcement
  • Complex Business Litigation, Insurance Recovery, Class Action Litigation, Product Liability & Privacy Breach Remediation
  • Corporate & Transactional Work, including incorporation, tax, leases, mergers and acquisitions, distribution, licensing, franchising, endorsement, cybersecurity, outsourcing, technology, sales agreements, and other commercial transactions
  • Advertising, Privacy & Social Media Policies & Guidelines
  • Labor & Employment
  • Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation
  • Environmental Counseling & Compliance, Corporate & Social Responsibility Policies & Implementation
  • Federal, State & Local Regulatory Compliance
Related Industries

Primary Contacts View All

Roger D. Wylie

Firm Managing Partner

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