Darin L. Brown

1400 Wewatta Street Suite 600, Denver, CO USA 80202


Darin’s practice focuses on counseling brand owners on the protection, maintenance, and enforcement of their trademark rights around the world. He partners with clients to identify and implement strategies to maximize the value and visibility of their brands. Darin has longstanding experience in the fields of entertainment and technology, and regularly devises and manages customized clearance programs and portfolio management methods for his clients. He also has experience in online brand enforcement and due diligence and trademark acquisition counseling.

Darin is listed in the 2023, 2024 and 2025 editions of World Trademark Review 1000 – The World's Leading Trademark Professionals. He was named a "Trademark Leader" in 2024 by World IP Review.


Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law J.D. (2009)

University of Colorado at Boulder B.S. (2005) Finance

University of Colorado at Boulder B.A. (2005) Spanish Language and Literature


Colorado (2014)

New York (2010)

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