Wage & Hour A Steep Incline

The number of wage hour class action lawsuits continues to soar to record highs. The decline in organized labor and collective bargaining, combined with the growth of the gig economy, mean more and more cases are being filed under the decades old Fair Labor Standards Act. To limit exposure to potentially significant liability, Kilpatrick knows that it is critical for employers to understand the stringent rules imposed around wage and hour practices.


Knowledge Is Power

Ignorance remains inexcusable. Employers who are unaware of missteps around inadequate timekeeping procedures, the misclassification of workers, and insufficient meal and rest breaks open themselves to litigation with major fiscal and reputational costs. Kilpatrick draws upon years of experience in developing resources and processes to work collaboratively and efficiently with employers to analyze practices and take steps to limit the possibility of lawsuits.


Prioritizing Risk

Wage and hour audits are a prudent and cost-effective first step in identifying and correcting potential problem areas and can demonstrate the use of best practices should lawsuits arise. During an audit, our attorneys analyze timekeeping systems, review employee classifications for compliance with federal and state law, and determine whether independent contractors are appropriately classified. Our team prioritizes risk to address areas of most serious concern first and utilize available resources accordingly.

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