Insights: Events The Ultimate Pros and Cons Guide to Top Wealth Planning Techniques

Planning your clients' financial future and legacy is diverse and complex, with a unique tool for every unique client situation. In this fast-paced comprehensive program, our faculty will guide you through the plethora of trust options and give you a straightforward, incisive analysis of when and how each can be used for maximum effect. Explore the goals, functions, administration hurdles, and tax implications of the top trusts in the practice. Choose the best tool for the job every time - register today!

  • Weigh all the pros and cons to select the best trust options for specific client situations.
  • Anticipate tax consequences of various trusts.
  • Use sample trust language our faculty provide to save drafting time and avoid mistakes.
  • Clarify the powers and duties of trustees in different trusts.
  • Compare living and testamentary trusts for straightforward estate planning.
  • Distinguish between accounting and taxable income and learn how trust income tax is reported.
  • Understand how recent tax laws changed the practice of marital trusts and learn when they are still useful.
  • Review common ethical missteps that can cost you your license - and how to avoid them.


Shannon Bauer Miloch, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton

Sharanya Gururajan, SG Law

Rigas P. Pappas, Quarles & Brady LLP

Jeremy Ramsey, The Ramsey Law Firm

D. Bryant Ross, Northern Trust Corporation

Stephanie Ross, Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP

For more information click here

Event Details

Friday, May 17, 2024


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