Insights: News Kilpatrick Townsend Achieves Recognition for 2019 Georgia Super Lawyers

ATLANTA (February 28) -- Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton announced today that 56 of the firm’s attorneys were selected as 2019 Georgia Super Lawyers and Georgia Rising Stars

Charlie Henn and Wab Kadaba were named Top 100 Georgia Super Lawyers. Additionally, Susan Cahoon, Audra Dial, and Tina McKeon were named three of the Top 50 Women Georgia Super Lawyers.  

Kilpatrick Townsend led all firms with the most Super Lawyers listed as Top 50 Women Georgia Super Lawyers. The firm also had the most Super Lawyers and the most Rising Stars listed in Intellectual Property and Intellectual Property Litigation

Kilpatrick Townsend had one of only two Rising Stars listed for Creditor Debtor Rights (Edwin Garrison), Criminal Defense: White Collar (Adria Perez), and Technology Transactions (Josh Ganz). Additionally, the firm had the only Super Lawyer listed for the entire state for Franchise/Dealership (Rupert Barkoff), one of only two Super Lawyers listed for Technology Transactions (Jim Steinberg), and one of only three Super Lawyers listed for Media & Advertising (Tom Clyde).

Georgia Super Lawyers and Georgia Rising Stars are selected through a nomination process, peer evaluation, and internal research conducted by Law & Politics. The result is a comprehensive and diverse listing of the top five percent (2.5% for Rising Stars) of Georgia attorneys.  

The following are the 2019 Kilpatrick Townsend attorneys recognized as Georgia Super Lawyers and Rising Stars

Bankruptcy: Business
Alfred S. Lurey 
Todd C. Meyers 

Business Litigation
James F. Bogan, III
Michael J. Breslin (Rising Star)
Joel D. Bush, II
Audra A. Dial 
Jeff Fisher (Rising Star)
Stephen E. Hudson
Burleigh L. Singleton
Michael W. Tyler 

Civil Litigation: Defense
Henry J. Walker

Construction Litigation
Brian G. Corgan 
William E. Dorris 
Randall F. Hafer 
Daniel K. Johnson (Rising Star)
William R. Poplin, Jr. 
Daniel B. Swaja

Creditor Debtor Rights
Edwin H. Garrison (Rising Star)

Criminal Defense: White Collar
Adria L. Perez (Rising Star)

Employment & Labor
Kathleen Dodd Barton (Rising Star)
Diane L. Prucino

Employment Litigation: Defense
Noelle Abastillas (Rising Star)

Rupert M. Barkoff

Insurance Coverage
Caroline W. Spangenberg

Intellectual Property
Miles J. Alexander 
Olivia Maria Baratta
Nichole Chollet (Rising Star)
Robert J. Curylo (Rising Star)
Kimberlynn B. Davis (Rising Star)
Theodore H. Davis, Jr.
Jamie L. Graham 
Alicia Grahn Jones 
Wab P. Kadaba
John K. McDonald
Tina Williams McKeon
Allison Roach (Rising Star)
Virginia S. Taylor 
James A. Trigg

Intellectual Property Litigation 
William H. Brewster 
Susan A. Cahoon 
Jennifer Fairbairn Deal (Rising Star)
Richard W. Goldstucker (Rising Star)
R. Charles Henn, Jr. 
Charles H. Hooker, III
John Jett (Rising Star)
Joshua H. Lee (Rising Star)
Tywanda L. Lord
George L. Murphy, Jr. 
Mitchell G. Stockwell

Media and Advertising 
Thomas M. Clyde

Mergers & Acquisitions 
W. Stanley Blackburn
Richard Cicchillo, Jr.

Real Estate
M. Andrew Kauss

Lynn E. Fowler

Technology Transactions
Josh S. Ganz (Rising Star)
James D. Steinberg

Follow the firm on Twitter: @KTS_Law.


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