Insights: Publications The Revolution in the Law and Economics of Antitrust Class Certification

LexisNexis Antitrust Law & Strategy Series

Written by Michele Floyd

Partner Michele Floyd co-authored The Revolution in the Law and Economics of Antitrust Class Certification with Dr. Lawrence Wu.

After decades of stagnation, there has been a rapid and dramatic change in the way courts are reviewing and deciding antitrust class actions. The applicable standards have changed. Along with that, there has been a change in the way judges, lawyers, and economists think about the issues surrounding the certification of antitrust classes. These developments have changed the arguments made as well as the types of evidence presented in court. The result can change who wins and who loses, which raises practical and pressing issues for all involved.

The Revolution in the Law and Economics explores why antitrust law is so important in today's economy; why antitrust class action lawsuits are brought; how they are decided, and the legal and economic issues that have changed the way the courts approach them; why and how economic analysis has become an essential part of antitrust law; and how antitrust law has changed as a result of the analyses and evidence that economists have brought to the courtroom.


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