Insights: Events Kilpatrick's RCG Summit Series

Retail and Consumer Goods Summit

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Please join Kilpatrick's RCG Summit, featuring members of our Retail and Consumer Goods Industry Team leading presentations on current issues and topics that impact retailers and consumer goods manufacturers and suppliers in the marketplace. 

October 1:

  • U.S. Supreme Court Update, Christin Jones and Adam Charnes
  • State Sales Tax in 2024: What Every Retailer Needs to Know, David Hughes and Kylan Memminger
  • Corporate Law Requirements for B-Corp Certification, Siegmar Pohl

October 8:

  • Hot Topics in Construction, Brian Gaudet
  • ESG Hot Topics including Greenwashing and Advertising, Laura Miller and Ty Lord
  • Consumer Finance Law Update: Regulatory Developments Impacting Retailers and Service Providers, Ross Speier

October 15:

  • AI in Retail and Consumer Products: Balancing Opportunity and Risk, Greg Silberman
  • Honest Pricing Laws and Price Gouging Prohibitions, Michele Floyd and Sam Hyams

Event Details

Tuesday, October 15, 2024-

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


CLE Credit

MCLE Credit 

To meet MCLE regulators’ attendance verification requirements for sponsors you must answer the poll questions during the program.

MCLE credit approval is pending. Credit generally is submitted, or certificates issued, within 60 days of post-program approval. CLE approval can take up to 90 days. 

Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP will apply for CLE credit when eligible in California, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Texas, Virginia, and Washington. For states not listed, a Certificate of Attendance that lawyers may use to claim credit based on reciprocity or self-apply for credit will be provided. 

We recommend you complete the program in one format only (live or on-demand) since many states do not allow attorneys to earn live and on-demand credit for the same program in the same compliance period. Virtual participation or on-demand credit is not eligible in PA.


Alaina Maggio

Associate Director, Marketing Technology

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